Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ma nouveau cheveaux

Bonjour ok so I decided to get a haircut because I was sick of my hair...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Friday, February 6, 2009

Oh yeah...Spike

I'm am Spike's duck-duck. He usually packs me around the house and even outside to pee. Really, he pee's with me in his mouth. Yum...

If you are wondering why I look so angry, its because my girlfriend has been in heat and my mom and dad keep smacking me in the head when I rear end her. She is coming out of heat, but I'm just getting warmed life sucks.

I'm so angry that if I had opposable thumbs, I would kill you. But since I don't, I'll poop in the hallway and hope that you step in it barefoot in the dark, and scream.

Put down my girlfriend. She smells hot.

Thanks for the new clothes grandma and Jetta...

I like my new clothes and my dad is trying to help me model them, but I can do it myself.

Don't touch me!

I don't really like having my picture taken. It is for city dogs, and I am so not a city dog. I like to chase the pheasants that come in my yard. Oh and I like to bite the chiuhauha next door cause it is ugly. And delicious a taco bell gordita. Mmmm...

These are my angry eyes.

Hawaiian Yummies...

Thanks mom...

Sunday, February 1, 2009